Hi, I am Sanjeev K. Bharadwaj

I am a developer of sorts~

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Who is this guy?

I am Sanjeev K. Bharadwaj.
I am a developer of sorts with experience in various sectors of problem solving through software as well as hardware. 
Connect with from the links to hire me for your Software/Hardware needs. 

Experienced in teaching basics of coding and Python to online audience in Discord. Currently freelancing

I also write poems and blog posts at My Blog
Email Me at: nyzex025@gmail.com

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I am constantly in the path to learn something new.
Always welcoming any work to gain experience!

Python Scripter

Experienced In Python script writing.
Problem Solving and Automation Scripts.
Projects Involving: 
1. Zapier Scripts (Advanced Triggers)
2. Discord Bot Scripts.
3. API Handling and Creation. 
4. Real life Problem Solving.


Internet of Things & Robotics

Experienced in Technologies related to Internet of things: Hardware and Software.
Experienced with:
1. Raspberry Pi
2. Nvidia Jetson Nano
3. Arduino 
4. ESP32 & ESP8266 &Node MCU, Bolt IoT


Web Development

1. Responsive Web Desigining.
2. Backend Developer: Python
3. Database handling.
4. API Handling, Creation & Interface


Data Science and Machine Learning

1. Prediction Systems
2. Data Analysis
3. Data Manipulation
4. Recognition Systems : Face and Objects.


Data Management

Experienced in Database Management: local and Cloud.
1. Amazon RDS (AWS)
2. Postgres
3. MySQL
4. MongoDB


Computer Vision & Deep Learning

Experienced in OpenCV with Python.
Worked with Object Detection and Recognition Algorithms.
Beginner's experience on TensorFlow and Keras for classification using Deep Neural Networks
